Year 6 Parents and Carers

The Year 6 group are due to visit the Wrekin on Friday as part of their Geography work.  We currently only have 50 children with consent and have insufficient funds to cover the cost of this visit.

Please can we access Year 6 parents/carers to access ParentPay to consent for this visit and make a contribution.  If we do not have sufficient by this time tomorrow we may have to cancel this visit.

Thank you for your support.

6J Beech’s Base Tomorrow!

Please can 6J come to school in their uniform: we will arrange for them to have their school photographs taken first.

If they can bring their change of clothes for Beech’s Base they will then change and spend the remainder of the day in the forest!

Thank you for your support.

6J Beech’s Base – Wednesday

Just a reminder to parents that 6J will be in Beech’s Base on Wednesday this week.

They will need to have their forest clothes plus a change of clothes.

The children will still be visiting in all weathers so please ensure you pack accordingly.