
Thursday 27th April, 2023

Military Kids Club

Good Morning,

Yesterday, invitations were sent out to all children who are registered as Service Children within the school, to attend Military Kids Club (name subject to change!) on a Friday between 3.15 – 4pm, commencing next Friday 5th May.

If you believe your child should have received an invite and did not, please email me at: kayleigh.naylor2@taw.org.uk with your child’s Service connection.

Please note, this club is for children who have an immediate family member (parent/carer) in the services or children whose parents/carers are recent service veterans (within the last 6 years). Next week, should there still be places available, I will extend the invite to other children in our school community who have a family connection to the Services, on a first come-first serve basis.

Many Thanks,

Mrs Naylor

Wednesday 26th April, 2023

4J enjoyed a live art lesson with the Victoria & Albert Art Museum

Yesterday 4J enjoyed participating in a live V & A art lesson. They have been studying the work of Althea McNish, a textile artist who moved to the UK from Trinidad in 1951. 4J designed murals with Ms Branton which are originally used to decorate walls using collage & gallery ideas.