
Friday 10th March, 2023

Year 4 Heraldry Shields

4M & 4J have enjoyed painting their shields this afternoon as part of thier Heraldry art topic. Well done children 🙂

Friday 10th March, 2023

change of menu

there is a change of menu for Monday 13 March as they are still waiting for a delivery

it will be

Vegetable nuggets / Pizza

Potato slices

hash Browns



Friday 10th March, 2023

4M and 4J

4M and 4J have come together today to complete their own Coat of Arms. This is something both classes have spent all day researching, designing and creating their  own shields.

We can’t wait to see the finished shields once they have dried.

Friday 10th March, 2023

4J Science Experiment

We have been collecting snow & we have weighed the snow. We are experimenting to see how long it will take to turn into a liquid.