
Thursday 16th May, 2024


4N have really enjoying presenting the final drafts of their Jacques Cousteau biographies this week. Here are some pieces of work 🙂

We even got a lovely response from the author of the book which inspired the biographies, ‘Manfish’ by Jennifer Berne!


Tuesday 14th May, 2024

Missing Fleece – 3PW

One of the children in 3PW is missing a fleece. It is labelled with ‘DAVIES’. If you see it or have picked it up accidently, please bring it to 3PW so it can be reunited with its owner!

Thank you!

Tuesday 14th May, 2024


4N have been enjoying the Science topic of Rocks and Soils so far this term. Here’s what we have been learning about over the past few weeks! 🌍 🌋