
Thursday 23rd March, 2017

Easter Senior Citizens Tea Party!

sc easter poster

Please invite guests along to our Senior Citizens Easter Tea Party.

Wednesday 22nd March, 2017

Mrs M’s Challenge!

PoppeWell done to Poppie Major in 3S who tried a new food this week…radishes!  I am not sure Poppie enjoyed them but well done for trying something new!


Tuesday 21st March, 2017

Lilleshall Fun Run

Please find below details of a Fun Run taking place in Lilleshall on the 2nd April, Newport Running Club are keen to encourage our children to take part.

fun run information sheet

Tuesday 21st March, 2017

Thank you!!

Thank you to everyone who wore odd socks and made a donation to mark World Down Syndrome Day.

Friday 17th March, 2017

New Greenhouse Arrives!

IMG_1400The School Eco Club take delivery of the new Greenhouse which has been donated by Georgina Otero’s grandfather, Mr Hughes.

A big thank you to him and Mrs Otero who put the Greenhouse in its new home beside the hall.

Thank you to the ladies from the PTA who dug and prepared the ground for the Greenhouse by laying some slabs!

Children will now complete the task by threading plastic bottles together to construct the walls of the greenhouse.