
Wednesday 6th January, 2016

Narrative writing: Matching characteristics. 

6J have carried on their literacy focus of narrative writing by matching the specific characteristics to the correct genre. In perticular we looked at science fiction, horror, mystery, fantasy, adventure and myths. The children were given strips of information and were tasked to identify the genre they were from.  


Friday 27th November, 2015

Building 3D Shapes. 3R


Tuesday 24th November, 2015

Year 6 triangle challenge. 

To end our maths lesson 6J had a go at solving this puzzle. How many triangles can you see?  


Monday 23rd November, 2015

Year 6: Elgin Marbles

This week in year 6 our literacy focus will be on the Elgin marbles debate between the U.K and Greek government. Both year 6 classes rotated around a selection of research stations including non fiction books, laptops, radio podcasts and web links. The children were encouraged to make detailed notes which they will then use to produce a balanced argument and a structured classroom debate.