
Thursday 12th November, 2015

Year 3/4 Diwali Day – Thursday 12th November


Wednesday 11th November, 2015

Year 6 parent workshop!

The hall is currently packed with enthusiastic Year 6 parents who are completing a SPAG test!  Children are teaching their parents about grammatically correct sentences, use of an apostrophe, adjectives and subordinate clauses.

Tuesday 10th November, 2015

Year 6 STAR.

Year 6 are partaking in a STAR (stop, think, act, reflect) scheme run by West Mercia Polic Force. P.C Ridgewell came into 6J and discussed topics such as drugs, alcohol and arrests. The children all found the programme enjoyable and informative. These sessions will be running each Tuesday afternoon for 6 weeks. 

Thursday 5th November, 2015

Vegetables and fruit grown by Eco Club

Eco grew vegetables and fruit during the summer term,  for our Bonfire lunch our cook  Mrs Millward made delicious roast potatoes and apple strudel.

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Wednesday 4th November, 2015

Year 5 Open Lunch!

Year 5 parents and children are currently working hard in their workshop developing their sentence structure skills!


Tuesday 3rd November, 2015

Attingham park

Year 4 had a fantastic time exploring Attingham Park, especially den building in the deer park. 


Monday 2nd November, 2015

Poppy Appeal

Poppy Appeal merchandise will be on sale from tomorrow break time on the yard.

Donations for Poppies.

The British Legion have given suggested donation prices for other items: 

Friendship Bracelets – £1

Slap Rulers – £1

Wristbands – 50p

Reflectors – 50p

Pencils – 50p