
Friday 23rd June, 2023


In preparation for an assembly the Guardians of Safety will be hosting on Monday (26.06.23), we are asking for your help! Transition day for some children is a worrying time and the Guardians decided something that would help would be knowing a little about the teacher before hand. With this in mind, we asked all the teachers for 3 facts about them! In assembly, the GOS will be asking the children who they think said what!

In the assembly, the GOS will be sharing some tips on how to manage change and think positively! We hope that this helps children as we prepare for transition day on Wednesday 28th June.

Have a look as a family and see if you can figure out which facts belong to which teacher… all will be revealed on Monday! 

Guess Who! NJS PDF

Thursday 22nd June, 2023

Yr 5 – Friday 23rd June

A reminder to our Yr 5 families about Friday 23rd June:
Yr 5 Arthog children – this is the catch up activity for the day lost to snow. Please can children come into school wearing long sleeves and long trousers – these can be light weight / forest school style clothing. They will NOT be allowed to do some of the activities in short clothing. The children will need to bring PE kits with them to change into for the afternoon.

Yr 5 Non- Arthog children will be in class in the morning looking at Refugee Awareness day – they will need to be in school uniform. These children will also need PE kits to change into for the afternoon.

Children may also need water bottles, sun hats, cream etc

Many thanks

Mr M, Mrs P and Mrs N