Class 3B Art Shirts

Dear Parents and Carers,

If they have not got one here already, please could you send your child into school with an Art shirt tomorrow, to stay in school for Art lessons, to protect their clothing. We have a supply of old Art shirts for general use, but not enough for the whole class to use regularly.

Most children tend to bring in an old t-shirt or shirt of Mum or Dad’s, to wear over the top of their clothing. Please don’t go out and buy anything – the best solution is usually an old item that is sitting at the back of the drawer that is no longer worn by yourselves.

We will be doing Art tomorrow, which may require use of the Art shirt. The shirts are to be stored in lockers.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Butler & Mrs Jones

Yr 3 Egyptian Day Reminder

Year 3 Parent Reminder…

Please find details about our Egyptian Day on Monday 3rd February 2025. All permissions and payments are available on your ParentPay accounts.


Kindest regards

Mr M and Mr B


Art Request from Mrs J

If the children have not got an art shirt in school – they require one for next Tuesday and Wednesday.

Also the Year 3 newspaper stocks are low – before your recycling gets put out, next week, please can we have any spare newspaper to support Art – for table coverings and papier-mâché.

Many thanks

Mrs J

3M – Hunting Pharaoh Facts

Yr 3 Egyptian Day – With Mr Cadle – The History Man!

Please find details about our Egyptian Day on Monday 3rd February 2025. All permissions and payments are available on your ParentPay accounts.


Kindest regards

Mr M and Mr B

Wow Homework in 3M!

Some amazing Science homework completed by members of 3M.

Well done children, these will be on display in the year 3 block!