Class 3B Computing – Scratch coding

Class 3B had some fun this afternoon, learning to code using Scratch, a free, online, block-based coding language – check it out!

Children had to:

  • add 2 sprites
  • add several backgrounds
  • make both sprites move
  • add sound to their characters..

Eventually, children will create their own online piano or musical sound stage, using sequences of code. This was their first lesson – more to follow!



Year 3 boys’ football

On Friday afternoon the year 3 boys’ football team played at NJS against St Peter and St Paul primary school.

NJS played excellently winning 4-0 with all 4 goals coming from Harry H. The opposition’s goalkeeper was forced into some superb saves too!

All 12 children represented NJS outstandingly, demonstrating our school values throughout the game as well as playing some excellent football too.

Well done to all those who played and thank you to all the adults who came to watch.

Year 3 v Year 4 TTRS Battle

Good Evening,

The next TTRS battle is now live between Year 3 v Year 4. To support pupil wellbeing, there will be a daily time limit of 30 minutes per child.

Which year group will be victorious? …. Who will be the most valuable member of their class? …. Who will be crowned top of their year group?

Find out next week when the competition closes!

Year 3 Beech’s Base

Dear parents/carers,

Next week 3T and 3B have Beech’s Base on Tuesday (22nd) and Wednesday (23rd) afternoon respectively.

Tuesday: 3T

Wednesday 3B

On their Beech’s Base day, children are to come to school in appropriate clothing for the forest and consider weather conditions. Children should bring a change of shoes (ideally wellies) to change into for the afternoon too.

If you have any questions please contact your child’s teacher.

Mr Tipton

Year 3 Spellings this week and next week, Homework and TTRS

Dear Parents and Carers,

Week 3 Spellings Year 3

Week 4 Spellings Year 3

Homework for Autumn 2nd half 2023

Apologies for the late posting of this week’s spellings – we have had several technical issues with the school website and loading up files. Hopefully these are now resolved.

Also attached is a reminder copy of the Year 3 homework for this half term.

Finally, children are currently engaged in a national competition on Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS). With this in mind, we would really appreciate it if you could allow your children to play on TTRS as often as possible over the next 24 hrs. The maximum time they can count towards the competition is 1 hr of playtime.

Once this competition has finished, we would recommend that children continue to  spend at least 10 minutes per day practicing their times tables on TTRS.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

England Rocks 🎸

Dear parent/carer,

As part of our commitment to make maths exciting and high profile in our school, we are taking part in a friendly competition involving schools in England. The competition runs from 07:30 Tuesday 14th November 2023 to 19:30 Thursday 16th November 2023. It’s all done online on TTRS.

Children can play in any gamemode with every correct answer to a multiplication or division question, earning themselves, their class and the school a point. The Times Tables Rock Stars platform will calculate the class average (the number of correct answers per pupil in the class who play during the competition hours, subject to a daily 60-minute limit (see below)). Winning classes in the school and in the competition as a whole will be the ones with the highest average.

To support player wellbeing, there is a daily time limit of 60-minutes per player. In other words, each player can earn competition points for up to 60-minutes between 07:30 Tuesday 14th November 2023 to 19:30 Thursday 16th November 2023. Once the player goes beyond 60-minutes of play on that day, they will still earn coins but will no longer earn points towards the competition.

In the spirit of the competition, please don’t play on their behalf but by all means encourage and support them to the extent that it doesn’t cause high stress levels or impact on family plans.