School Council and the school environment

School council have been busy planting seeds today. Thanks to a very kind member of school council and her family who have donated pots, compost, seeds, trowels, gloves and netting, school council have planted some seeds ready to help our school environment.  Here are some of our school council getting ready to get stuck in!


4J in Beech’s Base

4J have absolutely loved Beech’s Base this afternoon. They have enjoyed building shelters as part of their Design & Technology topic.

Year 4 Wolseley Trip Staffordshire Wildlife Trust Letter

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please find below a copy of the Wolseley letter for our trip to Staffordshire Wildlife Trust on Tuesday 6th May. There is a copy on ParentPay where you can pay and give permission.

We will not be able to take children unless you have given permission.

Thank you for your continuing support,

The Year 4 Team

Wolseley Trip 6th May Year 4

Investigating & exploring shelters in D & T 4J

We have enjoyed making A frames as part of our topic on shelters in Design & Technology.