4PW Conscience Alley activity in English!

4PW were AMAZING in English today during our conscience alley activity. They had use their skills of persuasion to convince the witch to give back the happy endings to their stories! Well done everyone.

Making Clay Roman Artefacts

Dear Parents & Guardians,

Please may we request that children bring an old shirt or t-shirt into school tomorrow to make clay artefacts. 4J will need them for tomorrow & 4L will need to bring them for Wednesday.

Many thanks Year 4 team

Year 4 reminders WC 7th October


SWIMMING – remember kits

4PW: Mrs Pearson


4PW Beech’s Base in the afternoon – remember to come to school in warm, scruffy clothes and bring a change of shoes.

4PW: Mrs Pearson

4J: Ms Branton


4PW: Mrs Pearson AM, Mrs Wheat PM

4L: Ms Branton

Library time

Harvest Festival 1.30pm at NJS. Children can have 1 adult maximum each to join our service due to space.


World Mental Health Day – children can bring pyjamas to change into for the afternoon activities if they wish.

Year 4 children will also be completing a healthy eating workshop in school this afternoon.

4PW: Mrs Wheat


4PW: Mrs Wheat

PE – remember kit

Please note: 4PW parents meeting day has been moved to Wednesday 23rd October. 4J and 4L parents meeting day remain on Tuesday 22nd. Letters will be sent home for appointments next week.

Have a great weekend everyone! xxx