Year 4 Home Learning – Tuesday 5th May 2020

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all well. Did you find out lots of facts about VE Day today? I have attached tomorrow’s learning below. Any issues or if you would like to email me some photos please do, my email is

Take Care

Mrs Kuczynska x 🙂

Home Learning Tuesday 5th May 2020

1 Star Maths

2Star Maths

3 Star Maths



Year 4 Home Learning – Monday 4th May 2020

Good Afternoon Year 4,

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend with your families. I have attached tomorrow’s work for you. I hope you enjoy it and let me know if you need anything or just want to send me some photos. My email address is

Take care

Mrs Kuczynska 🙂

Home Learning Monday 4th May 2020

For Parents – Equivalent Fraction

Fraction Wall

Maths All

Year 4 Home Learning for Friday the 1st May

Dear parents,

Many apologies for any inconvenience caused by not being able to access the maths sheets and art sheets today. I will upload them in separate links now and hopefully you will be able to access them. It might be because the documents are too large to include in a PowerPoint. Once again many apologies.

Kindest regards Mrs Jukes 🙂

Measuring litres and millilitres worksheets






Year 4 Home Learning Thursday 30th April

Hello Year 4!

How are you all? We hope you are all well and having a good week? Did you enjoy your science task yesterday? If you have taken any pictures please could I kindly ask you to e-mail them to me and I will make a Pic-Collage of all your fabulous work at the end of the week.

My e-mail address is

Thank you.

Here is today’s home learning:

Home Learning Thursday 30th April

VE Day celebrations.8th May

Hello NJS!

A week on Friday, it will be 75 years since VE Day- Victory in Europe day, marking the end of World War II in Europe. We were planning a tea party in school, but as we are not going to be there, we would like you to host your own tea party at home. You could make your own bunting and flags or do a bit of cooking with traditional wartime treats! There is a website with recipe ideas and things you could do.

However you decide to join in the celebrations, we would love to see and share the pictures.

Find out about VE Day on these links.

There are activities in the link below that use the information from the clips above.

VE day

Hello Year 4!

Hi Year 4,

We hope you are all well and staying safe at home and having fun too. Please watch my video to get some ideas for this week’s work and at the end of the week, feel free to e-mail me any photographs or pictures of your work. My e-mail address is

Thank you and kindest regards Mrs Jukes 🙂