Home Learning – Wednesday

Hello Year 4!

Please keep your e-mails coming… we are loving the work you are doing from home so far! I know we all enjoyed our time on teams today; it was so lovely to see so many smiling faces – we are looking forward to the next one already!

Please find Wednesday’s home learning below…

Week 1 – Wednesday PDF

Week 1 – Wednesday

Guided Reading Resources…

7 Wonders of the World – Posters

Guided Reading Activity – Fan Book Templates

We hope you are all keeping safe and smiling! Enjoy!

The Year 4 Team



Home Learning – Tuesday

Good afternoon Year 4!

First of all, I wanted to say how proud I am of the work I have received today. You have all taken this in your stride and should be very proud of yourself. We look forward to seeing the rest of your work!

Below you will find the slides for tomorrow as powerpoint and PDF. You will also find some research for the guided reading task. You could still complete your own should you wish!

We look forward to hearing from your tomorrow and hopefully seeing you on teams.

As always, send us an e-mail with work or any messages you wish to pass on.

Stay safe,

The Year 4 Team

Week 1 – Tuesday PDF

Week 1 – Tuesday

Guided Reading Fact Sheet


Self Isolation Tips/Activity Ideas

Hi Everyone,

I hope you had a good weekend with your families. I have come across this website which has some lovely ideas of how to keep your mind healthy during Self Isolation.

Here is the website link: https://www.childline.org.uk/toolbox/calm-zone/

Maybe we could share some of our favourites tomorrow in our TEAMS meetings with our class.

Take Care

Love Mrs Kuczynska

Home Learning – Monday

Hello Year 4!

Please find attached all the home learning for Monday (09.11.20). I have added both formats with powerpoint or PDF so some items are duplicated. Please use the format you feel is best.

Week 1 – Monday PDF

Week 1 – Monday

Below are extra resources for some of the lessons:

Place Value Chart – Maths

Peace Lily Story PDF

As mentioned on the slides, we will be available between 9am and 4pm through our e-mails. Please feel free to send any work to the e-mail addresses below.

Stay safe and take care,

The Year 4 team!






Year 4 Homework Autumn 1st Halt Term

Good Afternoon Year 4

We hope you have had a lovely week in school. Please find attached your homework for the whole half term. This will also be in your homework books for you to work in over the next few weeks. The books do not need to be returned to school until after half term.

We hope you enjoy completing the activities.

Have a fab weekend,

Love Mrs Kuczynska, Miss Jones, Mrs Sisson and Mrs Jukes

Homework Autumn 1st Half

Contact E-mails!

Hello Parents and Carers of year 4 children.

Should you have an enquires or questions over the year please find your teacher’s e-mail below.

If your child is in 4J:  Eloise.jones@taw.org.uk

If your child is in 4NJ: Natalie.jukes@taw.org.uk

If your child is in 4S: caroline.sisson@taw.org.uk or jeni.kuczynska@taw.org.uk

We will try and get back to any e-mails as quickly as possible. Please bear with us if you contact us within an evening or a weekend.

Many thanks,

The Year 4 Team!

Year 4 Home Learning *Photo*

Well done James! What a super invention you have designed and made. It is called Tim the robot. Tim entertains and plays with children when parents are busy and is also a radio and plays music. I think you could go on Dragon’s Den with this 🙂