TTRS Update!

Before the homework message went online, we were still awaiting the children to be placed into their new classes on TTRS.

Thankfully, this has now happened! Therefore, each week on Monday at 6am their homework will go live. This homework is 3 games of sound check and when they log in, they have to complete those games before going on any others.

They have until Friday morning for this as we can check online who has completed it on time.

Thank you!


Homework – Due 12th or 13th September

As we settle the children, we will not be giving the children spellings this week. This is so we can sort the children into the correct spelling groups. Times tables will be set from next week as we are awaiting the children to be moved into the correct classes.

This week they only have 2 tasks:

  1. Create a scientific poster about ‘Light’. They can decide what they would like to research as this will all help towards our science lessons.
  2. Read to an adult at least 3 times (The reading diaries will be checked next Monday).

We will send the children home with their homework book tomorrow should they wish to produce the poster inside.

P.E – Year 4

Year 4 swimming will be starting on a Tuesday. They will need their swimming kits and a towel. For anyone with longer hair, a swimming cap is required.

For P.E this half term we are looking at tag rugby, which will be led by a police officer, Andy Protheroe. His sessions will be on these dates 20th, 27th September and 4th October. For these sessions only, they will need outdoor P.E kits including trainers and jogging bottoms and a hoodie (if cold).

Please could all children bring their P.E in on a Monday to be left in their locker for the week. Therefore, if we have to change a session (except with Mr P) their kits will be available.

Thank you!

The Year 4 Team


This year we will be trialling handing out homework on a Monday. This will then be expected back on a Thursday (at the latest Friday). We have decided on these days to allow your children some relaxation time at the weekend.

Homework will consist of:

Either a Maths, English, Topic or science task.

Reading 3 times to an adult (over 7 days)

Time tables rock stars (3 times between Monday and Friday)

Spellings to be tested on Friday.


As the children will be spending two days with their new teachers, we are only asking the children to read to an adult 3 times and time tables.

The times tables will go online tomorrow so they have a couple of extra days to complete it.

We hope the children have a lovely weekend ready for an exciting week!

For your reference…

Monday & Tuesday – Transition Days

Wednesday – Open evening 3:30-6:00

Thursday – Party in the Park 5:30pm


This week the children have NO spellings! They will need to read to an adult at least 3 times and complete their TTRS homework.

Alongside this, we are asking the children to complete a task about their year 4 memories. They can present their memories however they would like. For example: a poster, a recount, a powerpoint or a written explanation.

The memories task is due in Monday 1st or Tuesday 2nd of July.

TTRS will go online Monday and will be due by Friday – this task is an online task not written.


This week the children have spellings, reading and times tables homework. The spelling test will be next Friday as usual. Please can you ensure you listen to your child read at least 3 times over the week and sign the reading record. TTRS homework will go online from Monday and is due by next Friday at 8:45am.

Spellings Wk 6

Reminder… sports day on Monday! Children can come into school in their sports kit and need to wear a t-shirt for their house colour. If you don’t have a coloured t-shirt please send them in with a white t-shirt.

Have a lovely weekend!