Year 4 Homework Friday 20th – Wednesday 25th October

Please find this weeks Spelling/Handwriting below. This alongside their multiplication practice will be in their homework books. The children will also be required to read to an adult at least three times.
There ongoing homework can also be found in their homework books.

Details of the Town Councils Christmas Card competition is also attached. If you would like to enter this, we can help deliver them to the Council, however this is a job for home! These need to be back in school for Friday 27th November.

Kindest regards

Team Year 4

Spellings homework 6

Year 4 Homework 6-11th Ocotber

Please find this weeks Spelling/Handwriting below. This alongside their multiplication practice will be in their homework books. The children will also be required to read to an adult at least three times.
There ongoing homework can also be found in their homework books.

Kindest regards

Team Year 4

Spellings homework 4

Year 4 Homework 29th Sept – 4th Oct

Please find this weeks Spelling/Handwriting below. This alongside their multiplication practice will be in their homework books. The children will also be required to read to an adult at least three times.
There ongoing homework can also be found in their homework books.

Kindest regards

Team Year 4

Spellings homework 3

Year 4 Homework

Please find this weeks Spelling/Handwriting below. This alongside their multiplication practice will be in their homework books. The children will also be required to read to an adult at least three times.
There ongoing homework can also be found in their homework books.

Kindest regards

Team Year 4

Spelling/Handwriting 2: Spellings homework 2

Yr 4 Homework 1

Please find below a copy we have previously sent our regarding the Yr 4 homework:
Homework Overview Autumn Year 4 23 34
This will also be stuck into the front of the children’s homework books.

The children will also receive weekly handwriting/spellings to complete – these will be handed out weekly and stuck into homework books, alongside weekly timetables sheets to practice at home – these will be times tables that we have looked at in class and on TTRS.

Handwriting/Spellings: Spellings homework 1

Therefore although many of the homework tasks may take sometime, teachers do need to see homework books weekly so they can help to assess the children’s progress in these areas. These will usually be given straight back to the children once marked.

The handwriting/Spelling will also be posted on here weekly.

Many thanks for your support, remember we are always available if needed either face to face or email.

Team Yr 4.

Year 4 Deer Park Trip Monday 26th April

Morning everyone

Hope you are well and enjoying the first week back to school. Just a reminder for the Deer Park permission letters to be in by tomorrow at the latest please.

Many thanks


Year 4 Team

P.E Kit

Hi Everyone

Please can all Year 4 Children bring their P.E kit on a Monday and keep it in school until Friday. It means we can take as many opportunities as we can to get out in the beautiful sunshine 🙂

Many thanks

Year 4 Team