Year 4 Deer Park Trip Monday 26th April

Morning everyone

Hope you are well and enjoying the first week back to school. Just a reminder for the Deer Park permission letters to be in by tomorrow at the latest please.

Many thanks


Year 4 Team

P.E Kit

Hi Everyone

Please can all Year 4 Children bring their P.E kit on a Monday and keep it in school until Friday. It means we can take as many opportunities as we can to get out in the beautiful sunshine 🙂

Many thanks

Year 4 Team

Year 4 Reminders!

We cannot tell you how proud we are of each and everyone of you! Please find a few reminders for Monday…

  1. Please bring a Water Bottle (labelled) into school.
  2. Bring your P.E kit into school on Monday. We will ask you to leave it at school until the Friday. With the weather being unpredictable, we would suggest bringing in a suitable jacket.
  3. Please don’t bring in a pencil case or equipment from home.
  4. Your arrival slot is 8:55am to 9:05am.

We cannot wait to see you on Monday! Enjoy your last day of home learning!

Miss J, Mrs K, Mrs J and Mrs S x

Home Learning – 05.03.21

Happy Fri-YAY!

Who doesn’t love a Friday? We hope that you have had a great week – we are so impressed with the first half of your stories! We can’t wait to read the rest of them today. Please find the slides for today below…

Friday 5th March PDF

Friday 5th March

For a full version of the front cover template, see the link below…

Guided Reading – Full Template

For your other activity, please find all the Roald Dahl mindfulness sheets below…

Other Activity – Roald Dahl Quotes

We hope that you have a lovely weekend everyone! Keep smiling and stay safe.

Miss J, Mrs K, Mrs J and Mrs S x

Home Learning – 04.03.21

Good morning everyone,

We hope that you have enjoyed your week so far! Keep going with your fantastic work… we love seeing it all sent to our individual e-mails or

Please find the home learning for today below…

Thursday 4th March PDF

Thursday 4th March

Have a lovely Thursday! One more day of home schooling before the weekend!

The Year 4 Team x

Home Learning – 03.03.21

Happy Wednesday everyone!

We hope that you are all having a lovely week so far and enjoy planning your own story with Rock, Paper and Scissors today. Be creative! Please find the home learning for today below…

Wednesday 3rd March PDF

Wednesday 3rd March

Either of these templates can be used for the English activity…

Planning template 1

Planning template 2

Have a great day everyone!

Miss J, Mrs K, Mrs J and Mrs S x