Anti-bullying Week!

5PJ have had a great start to anti-bullying week! The theme this year is ‘reach out’.

We spent some time discussing who we could speak to if we are having a difficult time. Finally, we set a challenge to do something kind every day this week. This could be smiling more; holding a door for someone and even helping at home!

Well done 5PJ!

5PJ – Letters from the trenches!

On the lead up to 11.11, we have been creating letters from the perspective of a soldier in the trenches. We spent time looking in depth at the trenches and some of our letters are now on display in 5PJ.

The children were amazing during many mature conversations about WW1 and why it is an important part of history.

Y3/4 Indoor Cricket Festival

A really enjoyable afternoon for the Y3/4 Cricket team at their indoor Cricket Festival at the Telford Tennis Centre. I loved my flying visit at lunchtime to see how the children were getting on!

Year 5 Blist Hill

Year 5 had a fabulous day learning all about the life of the Victorians.