Mental Health Week Competition Prizes!

Here is a sneak peak of the prizes for the Mental Health Week competition! For a chance at winning, send Mrs Wheat an email with a message or a photo showing me what you’ve done over the last week to mark Mental Health Week. Some ideas could be going for a walk, enjoying a hobby, supporting someone who is lonely, spending quality time with a friend. Send entries to by Friday 13th.

Mental health awareness week 2022 competition

Year 5 summer term homework

Here is the summer term homework for year 5. The children brought this home in their homework books on Friday. Due to the short term, this homework is to last until the end of next half term. Please encourage children to do a little bit of work from this sheet each week, and they must try to read to an adult at home at least 3 times a week. We are encouraging children to do this and to take ownership of their homework, to support their transition to Year 6 and secondary school. Thank you for your support.

Summer term homework year 5

Cookery Club!

Cookery Club starts tomorrow for those children who have signed up on Parent Pay.

Please be at the bungalow for 12pm with a packed lunch.

Please remember to bring a container with a lid to take your cooking home!

See you all tomorrow.

Mrs M and Mrs G

5TM Computing

5TM have had a great day today, programming, debugging and creating computing systems using Crumble software. It has been an afternoon of exploration, fun and learning how to code. This has really enthused us ready to create our own carousel ride using the Crumble software in the run up to Easter.