Yr 5 Homework 20th- 25th Sept

Please follow the links below which contain this weeks homework and all the instructions.

In year 5 the children are expected to:

1.Read at least 3 times at home and get home reading signed by an adult.

2.Learn spellings and write a sentence for EACH word.

3.Play TTRS (completing the studio sessions – if set up!)

4.Complete the given literacy work.

The literacy sheets can be completed on the sheet or in your child’s homework book. 1* children -challenge 1, 2* children – Challenges 1&2 and 3* children – all challenges

Spellings –  #2 20th – 25th Sept

Please support your child where necessary – ensuring they are not too overwhelmed and complete a maximum of 40minutes.


Mr M, Miss H and Mr L.

Yr 5 Homework

Yr 5 homework will be given out on Monday – this will then be handed in on Wednesday 3rd April.

We do however, still expect the children to read to an adult at least 3times.

Yr 5 Homework

This weekend we would like the children to complete their reading to an adult and the set challenges that have been set on Times Table Rock stars. There are no other extras, in terms of sheets etc and also the children do not need their homework books.

Many thanks

The Yr 5 Team