6B Beech’s Base tomorrow

Dear parents,

A quick reminder to send the children in class 6B into school tomorrow wearing forest school clothes, as we will be in Beech’s Base in the afternoon.


Mrs Bold

6J Computing

In computing today, Mrs Yates was teaching 6J how to use a conditional statement to compare variables to a value. Essentially making a compass using Microsoft MakeCode and a micro-bit!

Bike/Scooter Licence – PLEASE READ.

In addition to introducing our mobile phone licence, we have also created a bike/scooter licence for children in Yr 6 following an increase in the number of children riding these whilst on school site, with several recent incidents which nearly ended in injury.

This will work in the same way as the mobile phone licence and will ensure that children are using their bikes/scooters in the appropriate way when on school site.

Children have been reminded today that they are to dismount from their bikes/scooter upon arrival at school and should not use them again until they are on Avenue Rd/off school site.

If you would like any more information on this, please contact a member of the Yr 6 team.

Many thanks.

Mobile Phone Licence – PLEASE READ.

As part of our ongoing efforts to best prepare Yr 6 children for the upcoming transition to secondary school, we have reviewed and amended some guidelines related to mobile phone usage.

We are seeing an increase in the number of children breaking the school guidelines that were agreed at the beginning of the year. A copy of the consent form will be attached to this post as a reminder of the guidelines that both parent & child agreed to.

In line with the guideline: Should your child be found using their phone inappropriately, the school reserves the right to withdraw this privilege and they will no longer be able to bring their phone into school.” we are now introducing a Mobile Phone Licence for those children who bring their phone to school.

Should a child be found to be using their phone on the school grounds, they will receive a mark on the licence card, after 3 marks the child will lose the right to bring their mobile phone to school for 6 weeks.

Children will be issued with their mobile phone licence at the start of next week and are expected to be responsible for it at all times. Teachers will speak to the children to explain how this new system will work. Should you have any questions, please contact a member of the Yr 6 team.

Many thanks.




Yr 6 Date Amendment

Please be advised that the Yr 6 visit to Newport Girls’ High School to watch the production of ‘Six’ is taking place on Wednesday 26th March, not February.

We apologise for this error.

Yr 6 Safer Internet Day ’25

This week, to mark Safer Internet Day 2025, children in year 6 spent some time looking at the meaning of ‘phishing‘ and ‘scamming’

Children completed activities on SeeSaw and spent time finding out how to avoid potentially dangerous scams.

Phishing Poster

Phishing Powerpoint

Please have a look at the information provided on this post to find out more about what these key terms means, and key information to look out for!