Year 6 Alton Towers trip

Dear parents,

Please find attached a letter inviting the year 6 children to Alton Towers on Wednesday 22nd May. All of the details are in the letter and it is live on ParentPay, with an option to pay in instalments.

Alton Towers letter 2024

Kind regards,

The year 6 team


Year 6: checking your child’s device…

Year 6 parents and carers

I had a conversation with the Year 6 children yesterday about the language some of them are using when using messaging platforms on their phones or other devices.  I was clear that I know they would not use this language in front of adults or to others in person and therefore they should not do this on messaging platforms as it is upsetting.

Please can I emphasise our ongoing advice about routinely checking your child’s phone/device and supporting them to act appropriately when they send or receive difficult messages.

Lots of advice can be found here: to support you.  Please do contact us if you feel you need further support.

Mrs M

Energy Saving Poster Competition

Reminder ~School Council are running an energy saving poster competition.

How can we save energy at NJS?

All entries to be in for March 11th.

Please give your entries to your class school council representatives,

6J PE Kits in on Tuesday!

Please can children from 6J have their outdoor PE kit in school on Tuesday this week.

We are away on our visit to Shrewsbury on our normal PE Day (Wednesday) so Mr Humphries is going to do some outdoor PE with the children tomorrow, so they don’t miss a slot!

Many thanks


Yr 6 Shrewsbury Reminder

Yr 6 will be visiting Shrewsbury on Wednesday. Just a few reminders for children:

  • School uniform to be worn.
  • Comfortable footwear is recommended e.g. trainers
  • Children to bring a packed lunch with them (we recommend additional snacks/drinks to help with the walking)
  • Bring a small backpack that can contain rain coat, lunch and drinks.
  • Children will be carrying their sketch books in their bag for some art activities.
  • We will leave about 9.15am and return before the end of the school day.

Thank you.

Yr 6 – Shrewsbury Sign up – Urgent!

A reminder that parents need to give permission for children to attend the Shrewsbury visit next Wednesday on Parent Pay.

As it stands, less than half the year group have signed up. Without the correct number of sign ups to fill the coach, the trip would not be able to go ahead.

Please can we ask that you check Parent Pay and ensure you have provided permission as soon as possible.

Many thanks.