3PW’s Got Talent!!!

I’m so sorry for the delay in sharing these photos of some of the wonderful children in 3PW who took part in our class talent show on the last day of term! 💛

Missing fleece – 3PW NAMED

Dear parents and carers,

One of the 3PW children is missing a NAMED green school fleece. Please could you check the fleeces you have at home to see if any have been brought home accidently. It would be really great if we could reunite owner and fleece by the end of the term!

Thank you for looking,

Mrs P x

Year 3 / Class 3B reminder for tomorrow, and…

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please send your child in tomorrow (17th July) with a sturdy plastic carrier bag, so that we can give them completed class exercise books and display work / completed homework projects to take home.

Also, a reminder that it is Year 6 leavers Church Assembly on Thursday 18th July. Please take your child directly to church for 8.45am.

Also, a reminder of the Year 3 teachers’ last working days this week:

Mr Butler – Last day on Thursday

Mrs Pearson – Last day on Wednesday

Mrs Wheat – Last day on Friday

Mr Lawson – Last day on Friday

And finally, a huge THANKYOU to all of you, for your support this year – have a great summer holiday and see you in September!

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 reminders WC 15.07.24

Monday: 3PW Mrs Jones, 3L Mrs Henderson. Whole year group visiting Newport Infant School this morning to watch a performance. NO SWIMMING due to this.

Tuesday: 3B Mr Humphries, 3PW Mrs Pearson. Rocksteady concert! SWIMMING TODAY – remember kits.

Wednesday: 3PW Mrs Pearson.

Thursday: All children straight to church this morning for Leavers Service. 3PW Mrs Wheat morning, Mr Humphries afternoon. 3PW PE – remember kits.

Friday: 3PW Mrs Wheat. Last day!

Year 3 reminders WC 08.07.24

Monday: 3PW Mrs Pearson. SWIMMING

Tuesday: 3PW Mrs Pearson, 3B Miss Crompton

Wednesday: 3PW Mrs Pearson am, Mrs Wheat pm.

3L Beech’s Base – remember suitable clothing!

OPEN NIGHT 3.30 til 6.00 – pop in and see your children’s books, chat to their current teacher and meet their new teacher.

Thursday: 3PW Mrs Wheat.

NJS FEST! Wear outdoor clothes, no school bags or money needed, bring suncream/waterproofs if appropriate. So excited for this!!!!!

Friday: 3PW Mrs Wheat.

Have a lovely weekend everyone! xxx


Open Evening

Please note – Open Evening is Wednesday 10th July – not Thursday 4th July. We have had some confusion today as the 4th was was a provisional date from September dates.

Class 3B Beech’s Base Wednesday 3rd July

Dear 3B parents and carers,

Just a reminder that Class 3B have Beech’s Base tomorrow afternoon. Please ensure your child comes appropriately dressed for the day’s activities and the weather. They MUST bring a raincoat for the afternoon. School uniform is not required.

Please come to school dressed in indoor shoes for morning class work, as well as bringing ‘muddy’ shoes for the afternoon.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Butler

3PW reminders WC 01.07.24


Tues: Transition day to year 4. Remember drop off and pick up from the main school playground entrance today.

Weds: Mrs P, Paris Olympics start!

Thurs: Mrs W AM, Mr Humphries PM, PE kit today please. Election day! (VOTE ABBA DISCO PARTY!!!)

Fri: Mrs W

Well done for this week everyone, a very busy one!! Have a lovely weekend. xxx