3T Egyptian Day

Thankyou all for making such a great effort with the Children’s costumes yesterday! They looked great and the class throroughly enjoyed themselves.

Year 3 Waxwork Museum information

Dear Parents and Carers,

Hopefully by now, you have already discussed with your child which inspirational figure they are going to dress up as, for the Waxwork Museum day in February, and shared this via the reply slip with your child’s class teacher.

Also, if you have not done so yet, please find time to encourage / assist your child to look up and take notes about their chosen person’s life and achievements, to bring in for Monday’s lessons. This work will form part of our curricular offer next week during English, and should give them a head start in their project.

Finally, if you are able to, please source a large piece of card, ideally about 60cm to 100cm max in size, square or rectangular, which they can use to mount their written outcomes on for display on the day of the museum show. This can be stationary quality, or simply cardboard box quality – it’s your decision. (The examples below are rather large…they don’t have to be like this!)

As always, please contact your child’s class teacher if you have any questions about this event.

Thank you so much for your support,

The Year 3 Team


Egyptian Day Year 3

Year 3 and all the staff enjoyed a brilliant day with ‘The History Man’, who took us on a comprehensive guided tour of Egyptian life, styles, sculpture, games, food, pastimes, art, culture and fun!

Thank you to all those who put time and effort into organising costumes for their children – they really seemed to enjoy to activities and as always, learn so much from experiences such as this.

Year 3 Egyptian Day tomorrow

Dear Parents and Carers,

I would again like to remind you that this event will be taking place tomorrow and make a further polite reminder to all Year 3 Parents and Carers that if you are able, we would appreciate a voluntary contribution towards the cost of the Year 3 Egyptian Day. This contribution can be made via ParentPay.

Children should come to school dressed in their Egyptian costumes. In the event of bad weather, please put on as much of it as you can, and cover up / bring the rest to fit at school. Some costumes can be rather chilly to wear outside!

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Classroom Equipment

Dear Parents and Carers,

We would like to politely make a reminder request, if you are able to, that you provide your children with their own stationery, namely a blue Bic biro, a pencil, and a 30cm ruler – preferably not the ‘bendy’ kind.

Obviously we will provide these if this is not possible, but it would really help if you could. Children seem to be getting through an enormous amount of said stationery at the moment!

Thank you once again, for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Egyptian Day Year 3

Dear Parents and Carers,

Just a polite reminder to all Year 3 Parents and Carers that if you are able, we would appreciate a voluntary contribution towards the cost of the Year 3 Egyptian Day taking place next Tuesday, to ensure that this enjoyable event can take place. This contribution can be made via ParentPay.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Residential Meeting Slides

Please find all the information shared at the meeting held about our Year 3 Residential.

Mr M

Year 3 Egyptian Day reminder

Dear Parents and Carers,

Just a quick reminder that next week on Tuesday, the 23rd of January, year three will be taking part in their Egyptian day. They need to wear a simple Egyptian costume, which can easily be sourced by using an old pillowcase with holes, cutting for arms and head, and a piece of string to tie around their waist. Suitable white joggers or shorts could be worn to complete the costume.

Alternatively, an old piece of single sheet fabric could be used and arranged /worn, a bit like a Roman toga. Obviously, you also have the option to buy a costume from a shop if you would prefer to do this, or to create something a little more elaborate – e.g.: an Egyptian Pharaoh costume or Egyptian Gods costume.

Please contact your child’s class teacher if you have any queries about the day.

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team

Yr 3 Residential – Parents Meeting

Please remember it is the Year 3 Residential meeting for parents at 3.20pm in the school hall tomorrow (16/01/24).

At this meeting you will find out all the details for the planned residential.

Anyone unable to attend the meeting – all slides will be made available via the Year 3 page on the website.

Details of payment plans and when the sign up is being made available via ParentPay, will also be shared at the meeting and on the slides.
Please remember we are limited to 50 places at this residential.

Many thanks

Mr M

Year 3 PE this half-term

This half term Year 3 PE days are the following:

Mondays: All classes will be swimming so please ensure swimming kit is brought to school on a Monday.

Tuesday: 3T

Wednesday: 3B

Thursday: 3L

Please can children bring in their PE kits on a Monday morning, and they are to be brought home on a Friday.

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.

Year 3 Team