Welcome to Year 3! Mr Moody and Mr Butler are excited to teach together in year 3 and look forward to exciting lessons, trips and adventures with the year group.
Welcome to Year 4! Mrs Pearson, Mrs Wheat, Mrs Jukes and Mr Lawson are super excited to share great learning experiences with their classes!
Welcome to Year 5! Mr Parker, Mrs Ollerenshaw, Mrs Parker and Mrs Kerr are very excited to work together this year and create lots of memories.
Welcome to Year 6. Mr Jones, Miss Bold & Mr Marsh are really looking forward to making this year one to remember for our 2025 leavers.
Message to parent carers and families This is...
year 4 homework 13 Oct
Year 4 homework 6 October
Year 4 homework 29 Sept
year 4 homework 22 sept
year 4 homework 15 sept
homework 7 sept year 4
year 4 homework 5 May
year 4 homework 27 April
year 4 homework 17 march
year 4 homework 10 Feb