4J Pet Day

We have loved meeting all of the different pets today. 4J have thoroughly enjoyed learning about bearded dragons, corn snakes, African land snails, dogs & cats. Thank you so much to all of the parents who visited us today.

4M’s Finished Journeys!

Our finished pieces of Art! 4M had so much fun today completing their work creating an abstract piece all about a journey.

4M Art

This morning we are finishing our ‘Journeys’ topic in Art, creating our own abstract Aboriginal artwork. We have had great fun so far and we will hopefully have some masterpieces to show you later this afternoon when they have all dried!


4J have enjoyed using logo as part of ICT

We have enjoyed creating repeated patterns and shapes using online transum.

Pet Day 4th November

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please could we remind all parents that for your child to to be fully involved on Pet Day, we need to gain your consent for your children to be around pets, especially dogs and cats, with regard to allergies etc.

Therefore, please return your completed reply slip ASAP to your class teacher, noting any allergies, if you have not already done so.

If permission slips are not received, your child will take part in other activities instead.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 4 Team.

Beech’s Base – No Nurture Groups Wednesday 19th October 2022

Good Evening all

Just a reminder there are no Nurture Groups running tomorrow at Beech’s Base 🙂

Have a lovely half term and see you on Wednesday 2nd November!

Mrs K x


4M Art

4M will be finishing their ‘Journeys’ unit in Art on Friday morning. As we will be painting to finish the unit, please could the children bring with them an old t-shirt to wear for painting please.