5M Weekly Reminders

Tuesday – Mr Marsh at Y6 Boys Cricket Tournament. Miss Willington in class. Please bring P.E. kits for Athletics tomorrow afternoon.

Thursday – Mr Marsh PPA. Ms Branton in class. D Day at 80 Commemorations. Library.

Friday – P.E. kits for Cricket please.

P.E. will be Cricket and Athletics this half term.

I will send weekly updates due to trips, sports days, transition days that always mean Summer 2 is a busy but definitely the best half term!

Y5 Mosque Trip

Just a gentle reminder that we will be going to Wellington Central Mosque on Monday 10th June. This trip is essential to our Summer’s Term work on Islam in Beliefs and Values. Consent and payment can currently be made on ParentPay.

5P Art Friday

5P are going to have a day of Art on Friday, therefore could they please come with an old shirt/apron to put over their clothes. Especially as it’s Mufti and their show off clothes!