The Maths Challenge at NGHS

Congratulations to our year 5 children who participated in the maths challenge at Newport Girls High School. We are very proud of your achievements today. We came 1st place.

5M Reminders

Monday – Y5 Swimming

Tuesday – Y5 Girls Cricket Tournament for some of the girls (& Lillie, Jorgie and Imogen) in the class with me at St. George’s CC. Ms Branton will be teaching 5M.

Thursday – Yellow/Green Swimming Gala with Mrs Yates and myself.

Red/Blue children in school with Mrs Jukes and Ms Branton.

Friday – Mufti Day and Last Day of Half Term. Please bring a £1 for a Glockenspiel Fund ready for new music equipment in September.

No swimming this week….

We are still awaiting a part for the plant room therefore there will be no swimming this week. Huge apologies, we hope all good for next week!

Thank you to everyone for their support last week, we are very grateful to our NJS family as always.

Mrs M x

5M Beech’s Base

Miss Lockwood has informed all the children this afternoon that they WILL be in the Forest tomorrow afternoon so Wellies or Walking Boots are a MUST as it is still damp in places but great fun! As usual, please could the children wear clothes you are more than happy for them to get muddy in!

5M English

We are loving English currently in 5M, through reading and writing in response to ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’ by Arthur Conan Doyle.

Today we have been hard at work creating our cliffhanger climaxes.