Message for Year 5 children who went to Arthog in March….

This is a message for the children who went to Arthog in March and had to return a day early due to the weather conditions….

Arthog have worked with us to arrange an outreach session at NJS for the children who had a disrupted visit to the Arthog Centre in Wales.

On Friday 23rd June those children will spend the morning, at NJS, with members of the Arthog team.  The climbing tower will be on site and a range of team building activities similar to those that would have taken place on the Friday morning.

This group of children should come to school that morning in old clothes with their trainers.

Mrs M

NJS Swimming Galas at Newport Pool – Yr 5!

Here is a reminder about the Swimming Galas that all children take part in at Newport Pool.

Letter: swimming galas for NJS

Please remember –

We will be leaving NJS at 1.20pm, walking to the pool – the children need to be dressed appropriately. Our swimming time is 2-3pm, you as parents are then welcome to come along and support your child on their given teams date. Children can then be picked up directly from the pool, after their swimming galas. We request that only one adult per child attends to watch the galas – and no photos or video footage to be taken.

The pool have also requested that parents do not arrive too early, another school has the session before us and parents will not be allowed to enter until 2pm due to safeguarding requirements.

Thursday 27th April – Red and Blue House children

Thursday 6th May – Yellow and Green House children

Kindest regards

Mr M

Year 5 Bottle Rockets! 🚀

Last term, the children in Year 5 designed and built bottle rockets as part of our DT project. Today, we all went onto the field to test out our creations and see if we had managed to hit the design brief.

After a few failed attempts and some spectacular launches, we evaluated the effectiveness of our bottle rockets back in the classroom.

Here are some photos and videos of our rocket launches!

A failed attempt

Spectacular launch!

5M Computing

5M had a great day learning about Computer programming using crumbles.  They enjoyed making a sparkle box flash different colours, using a motor and using a push switch through the use of Crumble programming.  To conclude the day, the children designed and made a working model of a fairground carousel this demonstrated their understanding of how the microcontroller and its components were connected.


Year 5 Parents and Carers

I hope you are well.

We have recently dealt with several concerns with the use of WhatsApp amongst Year 5.  I thought I would provide families with some useful advice for this social media platform.

We would strongly recommend that you are vigilant about messages that are exchanged on WhatsApp.

Please note the recommended age for WhatsApp is 16+.

Take care

Mrs Moody

Year 5 PE

Good Afternoon 😊

Hopefully you have all had a lovely Easter break and are ready for summer term.

Please can I remind all children that PE kits should be brought into school on a Monday and can be taken back home again on a Friday.

Tomorrow, 5N and 5OP will have PE so please remember your kit!

We are looking forward to seeing everyone back in school tomorrow 😊

Year 5 team x

Yr 5 DT – Summer Term

As part of the Yr 5 summer Design and Technology project – Bird Boxes – Mrs Jones requires some bits from home. Every child will need to bring in a small box e.g., cereal, toothpaste, gift box etc , ready for Monday 24th April. The children will then be able to investigate how boxes are made.

Kindest regards

Team Yr 5 x

5M Please save your kitchen rolls.

Please save your kitchen rolls ready for building carousels in computing the week after Easter!

Thank you

Mrs Parker