Year 6 Leavers Party Reminder

Reminder to Year 6 children that tomorrow is you leavers party. This will take place after school and will finish at 5pm.

Food will be provided for all children.

Children need to bring a spare change of clothes that are suitable for sporting activities.

We are looking forward to the party!!

Year 6 Bags 4 Life Reminder

Please can we ask Year 6 children to start bringing in some heavy duty bags next week in order to take home their NJS books. Children have a large number of books to bring home, including some from previous year groups, so we advise stronger bags, such as a Bag 4 Life.

Thank you.

Final Crucial Crew Reminder

A final reminder for Yr 6 children that we will be visiting Crucial Crew on Wednesday. A few key points outlined below.

  • Children to be in school for earlier time of 8.30am
  • Green school jumpers/cardigans to be worn
  • Trainers are allowed due to lots of movement during the day
  • Each child to have a packed lunch, children who receive one from school will be given this in the morning.
  • Any medication/inhalers should be brought to school and a staff member made aware.

We are looking forward to a very exciting day with the children!

Year 6 School Reports and SAT Results

Year 6 parents and carers,

SAT results came through to schools at 7.30am this morning and they are included within your child’s school report this evening!

We are incredibly proud of all of our Year 6 children and would like to send our congratulations to them all.  They have worked incredibly hard and all should be proud of their attainment. 

We also hope that the school reports reflect their broader achievements: they are a very talented group of children and we are looking forward to celebrating their Junior School journey further next week.

This leaflet provides more information about the results: Assessment_results_at_the_end_of_key_stage_2_information_for_parents_2024

As always should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher or myself.

Mrs Moody

Yr 6 Swimming CANCELLED!

Due to illness with our swimming teacher, the swimming sessions for Yr 6 tomorrow have unfortunately been cancelled.

Please can we ask that children bring their PE Kits into school tomorrow instead.