Thank you to all those who returned their reply slips for our transition work with BBS & Newport Hub.
BBS have informed us that they will be taking their children on Tuesday 4th February.
NJS staff will walk with the children from NJS to the Hub at 3.15pm and we are advising that parents are to collect their children from the Hub between 4pm and 4.15pm. NJS staff will be returning to school to accompany any children who attend the after-school club on site.
BBS have advised that there will be items of food/drink for sale, and that children are welcome to bring some money with them should they wish to purchase anything. We are hoping to have a price list to share with you prior to the event.
If the date/time is no longer convenient, please can we ask that you inform a member of the Yr 6 team so we can have an accurate number of children attending.
Any updates we receive from BBS will be sent home via the website posts.