6K Quidditch

6K had a great time playing ‘Quidditch’ at BBS today. Ask your child all about the rules!

6B Beech’s Base

Quick reminder that 6B have Beech’s Base tomorrow. All children will need old clothes, shoes/ wellies and a waterproof coat. Gloves and hats would also be great.
Mrs Bold

Year 6

Please can all year 6 children remember their PE kits tomorrow! 6J only are allowed to arrive at school in PE kits, with their school uniform in their bag.

Year 6 Quidditch Tuesday

On Tuesday 18th October, year 6 have been asked to attend a ‘Quidditch’ tournament at Burton Borough School. This is during normal school hours.
6J- 9:30-10:20
6B- 11-11:50
6K- 1:20-2:20
A risk assessment has been completed and children will walk down, accompanied by members of staff.
Please can 6J ONLY arrive in SCHOOL P.E kit, with their school uniform in their bag. 6B and 6K to arrive in normal school uniform with their SCHOOL P.E kit in their bags. They will also need a water bottle.
We hope that it is going to be a very fun, enjoyable P.E lesson for the children.
Photos will be posted Tuesday!
Thanks for your support.

Class 6B Tag Rugby

Class 6B really enjoyed Tag Rugby in our PE lesson this afternoon. The weather was lovely too!