Year 3 Home Learning Thursday 7.1.21

Dear Parents and Children of Year 3,

Please find attached the Home Learning for Thursday 7.1.21.

PDF version:

Year 3 Home School Provision Daily Pack 07.01.21

PowerPoint Version:

Year 3 Home School Provision Daily Pack 07.01.21

You should also receive an invite to tomorrow’s online Teams lesson for your child’s class.

Also attached below is the year 3 homework for this half term. Hopefully we will try to do as much of this as is practicable.

Word Version:

Homework for Spring 1st half 2021

PDF Version:

Homework for Spring 1st half 2021

KS2-Spelling-Menu Games

For the spellings, please help your children to learn them, and test them towards the date suggested, submitting a photo of their scores. Use the spelling menu document for ideas.

The Times Tables maths objectives can be taught using the suggested websites or TTRS, plus the children could find some calculations to complete (TU x U and HTU x U) with your support, using the methods shown on the homework sheet.

For the Roman homework, this is an open-ended project, which really has only one rule – it needs to be about the Romans! Please use the suggestions on the sheet attached, if you are stuck for ideas.

Any questions or work to share,  please email on

Thank you for your support,

The Year 3 Team