Year 3 PE, Spellings and Homework

Dear Parents,

This half term, there will be no spellings to learn for the first week back – however, please continue to encourage your children to complete their Roman shield homework. These are due for completion on Friday 28th February.

Children should also continue to play Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) as often as possible. Currently, all the Year 3 classes are in battles with other year groups, so we need those points!

PE News – Year 3 will be Swimming next half term, on Tuesdays. Please ensure your child has the correct kit on these days. If your child is taking part in non-swimmers club (invitation only), this runs throughout the year, so they should bring their kit on their allocated day, even if their PE is not ‘Swimming’.

Have a restful half term.

Thank you for your continued support,


The Year 3 Team