Year 3 spellings and homework to be tested 24.1.20

Dear Parents,

Year 3 spellings to be tested 24.01.20

Please support your children to learn their spellings over the next week. Children in 3B will be tested on Thursday as usual, and 3P / 3W on Friday.

Children should have brought home their homework by the end of Friday this week, which consists of a multiplication sheet for supporting their Maths work in class. Please contact us if you have any questions about this.

As usual, children need to continue to practice their TTRS work, for a test next week on their 8x, 9x and 10x tables.

Some children have yet to complete a ‘Soundcheck’ round on TTRS. This prevents them from getting a baseline level. Please ensure your child completes a ‘Soundcheck’ this week. It is only 25 questions, but they can be from any tables group.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team