Year 3 Spellings and Homework to be tested 31.1.20

Dear Parents,

Year 3 Spellings and homework to be tested 31.01.20

Attached are the spellings and homework for this week.

Please help your child to read at least three times out loud to you, and record it in their Reading Diary. In addition, children need to be allowed access to Times Tables Rock Stars, for about 5-10mins every day, to help them increase fluency and accuracy. This week, the tests will be on all their tables! As usual, 3B will test spellings on Thursday 30th, with 3P / 3W testing on Friday 31st January.

Finally, we would like children to complete a ‘Roman’ poster, of display quality, (min. size A4) about any aspect of Roman Life they wish. Suggestions could be gladiators, Roman Baths, Roman Gods, the Colosseum, daily Roman life, Roman Emperors, the Roman Empire and Legacy. The Roman poster is due for completion in two weeks, on Friday 7th February.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team