Dear Parents,
Apologies for the late posting of this email, and that it is lengthy!
Attached below are the spellings and homework for Year 3 this week.
Year 3 Spellings and homework to be tested 20.9.19
Last Friday, children should have brought home their spellings to learn, for testing towards the end of this coming week. Generally, 3B are tested on a Thursday – Mr Butler’s last day of the week , whereas 3W and 3P generally test on Fridays.
Children have been told which spelling group they are in. Please support your child to learn their spellings through verbally testing them, and written exercises. This can be recorded in their Homework books (orange-coloured A4 books). Occasionally, children will receive similar spellings, as these are part of a nationally standardised list, which all Year 3 children are expected to know.
Children will also be expected to learn selected times tables each week too, again to be tested on a Friday morning. This week, we are revising tables already known – 2x, 5x, and 10x tables. Your child may also need your support with this.
Children will usually receive an additional piece of homework each week for selected subjects, usually, English, Maths or Science. Our Science topic this term is Electricity. Please help your child to design an electrical safety poster showing how to keep safe around electricity and electrical items / sockets. You can do this either on A4 paper or using a computer and own printer. This needs to be handed in by Friday 20th September. Please contact us if you require further information.
Thank you for your support,
The Year 3 team.