Year 3 PE kits, spellings, reading books and homework

Dear Parents,

We would like to welcome you and your child to Year 3 and we hope that your child is settling in well!

Just to let you know that we are currently in the process of organising spelling groups, reading books and homework. This usually takes about a week, as we need to get to know your child in order to give them appropriately matched homework.

As we usually post spellings and messages on this website weekly, please check your emails regularly, as this is our main form of communication with parents.

Children should also have a Homelink book in their bags, which may contain letters, handwritten messages, PE dates or homework instructions etc. Therefore, please ensure that you check your child’s bag regularly for letters, particularly ones that need reply slips returning.

Normally, children will receive weekly spellings, tested on a day of their class teacher’s preference, plus an expectation to read with you at home, recording their efforts and your signature in their reading diary. There may also be a short additional homework piece, supporting their Maths or English class work. Children will receive an A4-sized orange homework book in which to complete this, which usually contains instructions that explain what to do.

Children will also be expected to practice selected times tables at home, using an online resource (Times Tables Rock Stars), for weekly checks in school. Your child will receive a personalised username and password for this resource during the next few weeks.

Finally, your child will be informed of their PE days by their class teacher. Please check Homelink books for this information. Generally, we would prefer children to bring their kit on a Monday and leave it in their locker until Friday, for maximum flexibility.

Hopefully, this is all clear – please speak with your child’s class teacher if you require any further information.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Science at Burton Borough on 3.7.19

Dear Parents,

Tomorrow, Year 3 classes will visit Burton Borough School to make use of their Science facilities, in particular using microscopes to investigate scale and onion plant cells. The work completed will complement our unit of work on Plants and Life Cycles. We are really grateful to BBS teachers and school for providing our children with this opportunity to use equipment that, ordinarily, we would not have access to.

The visit will happen during the morning session tomorrow, returning to school by lunchtime.


The Year 3 Team


Year 3 spellings and homework to be tested 5.7.19

Dear Parents,

Year 3 Spellings to be tested 5.7.19

Apologies for the late posting of this.

Please help your child to read at least every day, recording at least 3 entries per week in their reading diaries. Please support your child to learn their spellings, putting each word into a sentence, in context. Children have a TTRS challenge this week, against the other Year 3 classes. Please support them with this, by allowing access to TTRS at home.

Thank you.

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Spellings and Homework to be tested 28.6.19

Dear Parents,

Year 3 spellings to be tested 28.6.19

Please help your child to maintain their reading, at least 3x recorded in diaries, and ideally reading every day with an adult. TTRS paper tests this week will be on the 6x, 7x, 8x, 9x, 10x, 11x and 12x tables this week. Homework is to try to use your spelling words in an interesting sentence, using neatest handwriting and accurate punctuation. House will be awarded for effort.

Thank you for your continued support.

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 and Year 4 PE Kit reminder / Sports Day

Dear Parents,

PE kits

All Children in Year 3 and Year 4 will need their PE kits tomorrow, Thursday 20th June, please.

Also, children may need their PE kits on any given day for the remaining term. Therefore, they need to bring their PE kits into school on a Monday and take home on a Friday for the remaining weeks of term, as we will be taking opportunities to do some PE ‘catch up’ sessions, because of poor weather.

Sports Day

Children will be participating in Year 3/4 combined Sports Day on Monday 24th June. They will need to wear their house team coloured t-shirt on Monday, and can come to school dressed in their PE kits.

In the morning, children will take part in Interhouse sports games, and in the afternoon, parents are welcome to attend from 1.30pm onwards for Sports Day competition events.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3/4 Teams.



Year 3 Spellings and homework to be tested 21.6.19

Dear Parents,

Week 7 Year 3 Spellings to be tested 21.6.19

Homework for Year 3 to be completed by 21.6.19

Try to read at least three times at home this week. Spellings will be tested on the usual day, next week.

For homework, children need to put each word into an interesting and unusual sentence – try to add extra description, clauses, details, start with -ing, -ly words, (eg: Watching the sunset, he saw the beautiful clouds reflecting an orange glow. / Slowly, he walked home, kicking the ball as he walked.) Please pay care and attention to capital letters, handwriting and punctuation!

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Birmingham trip 17.6.19 9am-4:30pm

Dear Parents,

Just a gentle reminder that permission reply slips are now overdue. We still have well over 10 children per class who have yet to reply to their letters.

Please ensure that you return your reply slips, along with any further voluntary contributions as soon as possible.

Thank you for your continued support,


The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Chetwynd trip on Monday 10th June 9am-3.30pm

Dear Parents,

Chetwynd Deer Park

Just a reminder that by now, all children should have returned their reply slips and informed class teachers how they intend to get to and from the Deer Park – either walking with the teachers, or being driven there and back by parents.

Children should come dressed for the occasion – rain showers are forecast currently, but this may change, so please keep an eye on the weather. At the very least, children MUST bring a raincoat, just in case. Children may wear their own clothes for the day, plus a pair of sturdy walking boots/walking trainers / wellies – something that is comfortable and weatherproof, ideally.

Children should provide their own packed lunch and drink, unless already organised with the school kitchen. Please supply screw top plastic bottles or own bottles for drinks – no cartons/cans please).

Please ensure that your child is able to carry their belongings / lunch etc in a small rucksack or bag.

Children will be back for 3:30pm and can be collected in the usual way.


The Year 3 Team.