Year 3 Parent information

Dear Parents,

A warm welcome to all new parents and Year 3 children! Here follows some general information about Year 3:


If you have any important information to tell us about your child, or would like us to know something, please write it in the homelink book, on the relevant page. We will ask children everyday whether they have any messages from you, to share with us. Please ensure you check this book every day, as we will also use it to write messages to you. We will also be sharing information via the website, flagged for Year 3. Alternatively, we are available at the start and end of every day, outside the Year 3 block, should you need to speak directly to us.

Daily equipment:

Children should be bringing their Homelink Books home every day, and returning to school with them the next day. They should also bring to school their Reading Record and reading books, and their pencil cases. They should, by the end of this week, have two reading books, one at a level chosen by their teacher, and one free choice. Each class teacher will endeavour to do this by Friday, so please bear with us!


Our PE days this term are Tuesdays and Thursdays. However, we request that children bring their PE kit in on a Monday and leave it in school until Friday. This is because there are occasionally times when we may need to change the day / timing of the lesson, to fit in with other events in school.


During a normal week, children will receive spelling and tables to practice on a Friday, to be tested the following Friday. They may also receive a piece of English, Maths or Science work to do, usually to support the lesson, for the following Friday. Your child may need support with these tasks. Children are also expected to read with an adult at least 3 times per week (ideally every day at this age!) and you will need to sign their reading diary and fill in a comment when you listen to them reading. We will reward children who can hand in homework on time and completed correctly.

Thanks for your continued support,

The Year 3 team.



Class 3B Chetwynd Deer Park visit

Children in Class 3B and all the year 3 classes enjoyed a fab time at Chetwynd Deer Park yesterday, making some natural art portraits and landscapes, bug hotels, and completing a scavenger hunt! 3B were paired with Deer class from Year 2, with whom they made several new friends. This concludes our transition program for the year.  Thank you to all those who helped to make the trip possible.

Safer Internet Day 2018

Dear Parents,

February 6th was Safer Internet Day. We have taught lessons this week on social media, online safety and the digital world our children inhabit.

This link will take you to a short film and some good parental resources for helping to manage our children’s online lives.

The following link should take you to the ParentZone website:

It has useful links to many areas of online safety, including how to set up privacy settings on social media apps.

If you have any issues or worries regarding online safety or social media please do get in touch with me.

Andrew Butler

Class 3B Science lesson

Children have had an interesting lesson about brushing teeth today. Everyone took a disclosing tablet to reveal how well they were brushing their teeth. We discussed the importance of dental hygiene and how to brush teeth properly.IMG_1217