Cross country event- summer 2024

The next cross country event will take place on Tuesday 16th April.

All participants who are keen to have a go are welcome. Please see the letter attached and sent home for more details.

Response slips will be needed the first week back, Monday 15th is a latest with consideration for Arthog residential.

Many thanks,

Mr Lawson

Cross country letter summer 2024

Year 3 Blooket weekend session

Good afternoon all,

I have managed to set up a blooket session for year 3 to join this weekend.

Following this link will give you access.

Fingers crossed it works, this is a work in progress.

Wright house team reading

Wright house enjoyed the opportunity to come together for some reading this morning!

A great opportunity to share our expertise and love of reading!

Year 3 Weekly spelling Week 4

  • Weekly spelling list, please use spelling menu to support the learning of these spellings.
  • Support will be given in class to rehearse spelling rule.
  • A test will be given at the end of the first half term.

This weeks spellings follow a pattern around the /ur/ sound spelt with ear.











Cross country Update

After running a taster session today with over 90 children joining us for a cross country session I have handed out letters to all who have shown interest.

The consent form on this letter MUST be completed and handed into myself or the office by Friday.

Letters with full information can still be collected from my classroom or found in the link here. Cross country letter autumn 2023


Mr L

3L Beeches base *EDIT*

Last week I released advise for our visit to Beech’s Base. In there I recommended coming to school in appropriate clothing.

Due to Wednesday being school photo day I will ask all children to arrive in school uniform with messy clothes in a separate bag.

Apologies for the confusion.

Mr Lawson

Cross Country

We have been invited to participate in the Telford and Wrekin Cross country event held at Chetwynd Deer park on Tuesday 10th October 2023.

This is an amazing event where schools from across the county come together to participate in a large running event.

Last year we took a fantastic team and we hope to replicate this again. The event is open to all who wish to join us however, it is not for everyone, the race is a long 1.6 km for years 5/6 and 1.1 km for years 3 and 4.

If you are interested in this event you are invited to join Mr Lawson for an experience session on Tuesday 26th at 12.30 during lunchtime. Here you will get a taste of a long run and be given important information. Letters will also be available including consent forms which will need to be returned by Friday 29th.  Please ensure you have your trainers for this lunchtime session. You are welcome to get changed into PE kit if you wish. As this event is a rain or shine event, we will continue if it is raining so coats may be advisable.

Further information will be available on the letter collected from the ‘taster session’.

All the best,

Mr L

Beeches Base 3L Wednesday 27th

3L have the opportunity to visit Beech’s Base on Wednesday (27th)  afternoon. This is our in house Forrest fun/learning provision.

3L will visit the Beech’s base in the afternoon where they will explore our provision and access learning opportunities linking to our curriculum.

Children are welcome to come to school in appropriate clothes for the entire day, please be alert to weather conditions. I would always suggest children bring a rain coat. Everyone needs to bring a spare change of shoes, either muddy trainers or wellington boots for their time down the in Beech’s Base.

Any further questions please feel free to ask.

Mr L

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