5PJ… Come on England!

What an afternoon… what a game!

5PJ had a wonderful afternoon watching England Vs Iran as a class and together with the rest of the school. Here they are after a celebration… some of the children said they are so tired from the celebrations!

Anti-bullying Week!

5PJ have had a great start to anti-bullying week! The theme this year is ‘reach out’.

We spent some time discussing who we could speak to if we are having a difficult time. Finally, we set a challenge to do something kind every day this week. This could be smiling more; holding a door for someone and even helping at home!

Well done 5PJ!

5PJ – Letters from the trenches!

On the lead up to 11.11, we have been creating letters from the perspective of a soldier in the trenches. We spent time looking in depth at the trenches and some of our letters are now on display in 5PJ.

The children were amazing during many mature conversations about WW1 and why it is an important part of history.


Good afternoon 5PJ parents and carers,

Thank you all for your time today! Please find our e-mails below should you wish to reach us.



Have a lovely evening!

Miss J and Mrs P


Good afternoon from 5PJ!

We were having fun in Beech’s base yesterday so we missed out on celebrating World Mental Health Day as a class! 

This afternoon, we spoke about how important our mental health is and ways we can look after our mental and physical health.

The children then wrote a reflection in their spiritual scrapbooks and a colouring task with 1 message… How you feel matters!

Have a lovely evening 5PJ

Miss Jones


Good afternoon everyone,

Tomorrow (Friday 16th July) the children will be coming home with any old books from year 4. Please can we remind you that they will need a carrier bag (a bag for life etc) to take these home. We really appreciate all the bags that have already been brought into school in preparation for this!

Many thanks,

The Year 4 Team 🙂


Good morning year 4,

On Friday 16th July, the children will be bringing home any old books that they currently have in school. We are asking if the children could bring in a bag for life (or strong carrier bag) with them so they can take these home.

If they could bring the bag in before Friday then this will ensure they have one ready! Unfortunately, we will not be able to provide children with a bag.

Thank you!

The Year 4 Team 🙂

Year 4 UPDATE!

Following the previous message, swimming is cancelled tomorrow (Thursday 1st July) due to staff absence.

Children are still welcome to come into school in P.E kits as mentioned in the last message. 

Sorry for the inconvenience,

The year 4 team 🙂