5K in Beech’s base tomorrow

Just a reminder 5K is at Beech’s base tomorrow. Children can come to school in their outdoor clothing with a pair of outdoor schools in a bag. All children must have a pair of indoor schools/trainers on. Remember coats, hats ,glove etc.. as it is still quite cold outdoor.

Week beginning 27.1.25

Day Is anyone different teaching a class? Shared classes: who is teaching? Things happening: Things I need to bring:
Monday 5K with Mrs Yates in the afternoon

5P Mrs H

Mrs O in 5OP All need PE kits
Tuesday Mrs O in 5OP
Wednesday 5K Mrs Yates in the afternoon

5OP pm Mrs H

Mrs O in 5OP 5K PE
Thursday 5K Mrs H 




5P PE kit
Friday 5K Mrs Y in the morning 5OP Mrs P 5OP PE

5K Beech’s base

Pet day in 5K

We had a fantastic day, meeting lots of pets and learning about how to look after them. We learnt that many of our pets are rescue or retired animals who have been given a lovely home.


SEND coffee afternoon

Everyone is welcome to join us at the Spring term SEND coffee afternoon on Monday 10th February at 1.45pm.
We are again going to be joined by PODs (Parents Open Doors) for the session. If you have any questions or are looking for support with anything, please come along.


Week beginning 20.1.25

Day Is anyone different teaching a class? Shared classes: who is teaching? Things happening: Things I need to bring:
Monday 5K with Mrs Yates in the afternoon  Mrs O in 5OP All need PE kits
Tuesday 5K Mrs Yates Mrs O in 5OP
Wednesday 5K Mrs Yates in the afternoon Mrs O in 5OP All BBS to see Bugsy Malone
Thursday 5OP Mrs H




5P PE kit
Friday 5OP Mrs P Pet day

Week beginning 13.1.25

Day Is anyone different teaching a class? Shared classes: who is teaching? Things happening: Things I need to bring:
Monday 5K with Mrs Yates in the afternoon

5P with Mrs H

All need PE kits
Tuesday Mrs O in 5OP
Wednesday 5K Mrs Yates in the afternoon Mrs O in 5OP 5K PE kits
Thursday 5K Mrs H 5OP Mrs P 5P PE kit
Friday 5OP Mrs P 5OP PE kit

Week beginning 6.1.25

Day Is anyone different teaching a class? Shared classes: who is teaching? Things happening: Things I need to bring:
Monday PD Day
Tuesday Mrs O in 5OP
Wednesday 5K Mrs Yates in morning Mrs O in 5OP 5K PE kits
Thursday 5OP Mrs H in the afternoon 5OP Mrs P 5P PE kit
Friday 5OP Mrs P 5OP PE kit

Year 5 peace doves

Year 5 have had great fun creating their peace doves.

Week beginning 16th December

ay Is anyone different teaching a class? Shared classes: who is teaching? Things happening: Things I need to bring:
Monday 5K Mrs Yates afternoon

5OP Mrs Henderson in morning

In the afternoon Mrs O in 5OP  All Church 8:45am

All at performance at church 6:30pm. Arrive at 6:15pm

Tuesday Mrs O in 5OP All swimming Swimming kit
Wednesday 5K Mrs Yates in morning Mrs O in 5OP Christmas lunch
Thursday 5OP Mrs P
Friday 5OP Mrs P Break up for Christmas
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