Final call for PINS SEND parents questionnaire

Dear Parent Carer
We are pleased to advise you that your child’s school is participating in the Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) programme, which aims to improve support for children with additional needs.
Please complete our survey here:
The Parent Carer Survey to support the Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) project.
This survey is part of the Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) funded by NHS England in partnership with the Department of Education, Department for Health and Social Care and the National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF).  The survey is open until 19th June 2024.

The purpose of the project is to improve the experience of mainstream school for children who may have an additional educational need. The information from the survey will be used to understand the current strengths and potential areas of improvement in a school.

The survey is for all parents and carers of children attending schools participating in the project. If you have more than one child attend the school, then you may complete the survey for the number of children you have attending the school.
We will be hosting Parent Carer ‘Coffee Mornings’ in the school and we will be starting these in the new School Term.
Best Regards
Jayne Stevens (Strategic Co-ordinator): PODS Parent Carer Forum
Uma Bhatia (PINS Parent Carer Lead): PODS Parent Carer Forum

Children left in school

We have lots of activities planned while some of the children are in London.

You should have received a note about a walk to Greggs. Looking at the weather forecast, the best day to go is tomorrow (Wednesday). The children will be allowed to bring up to £5 on our walk in an envelope with their name on in a wallet. If there are any questions please contact school.

We also have an art project planned and would appreciate cardboard, bubble wrap and small containers brought in tomorrow if you have any around the house.

The children will need their PE kits on Thursday.

Year 6 reminders

We have a busy term coming up, swimming galas, sports day, Chetwynd photography workshop and transition events.

Week beginning 3rd June reminders:

PE kits to be in all week please.

6K have swimming and Beech’s base scheduled for Tuesday so remember your kits!

All Year 6 – Cameras and sensible walking shoes for your photography trip to the deer park.

Red and Blue house swimming gala.


Well done Ellis!

Well Done Ellis, whose Sunday football team won the U11 League cup at the weekend. They have been unbeaten all season. We are all proud of you at NJS – well done!

6K Beech’s Base

6K are at the panto Wednesday morning and then down Beech’s Base in the afternoon. Children are to wear school uniform in the morning. They may bring a small snack with them for the panto. They need to bring their outdoor change of clothes and appropriate footwear in bag.