Hi Everyone!
I hope you are all ok. Next week the following classes will be attending Beech’s Base:
Monday 11th July: 6B
Wednesday 13th July: 3P
We are going to trial the whole class going for the Morning and Afternoon sessions as the weather is warmer π
Children can arrive in their clothing for outdoor learning and clean footwear (trainers):
- Old clothing – long sleeves and trousers no matter the weather please.
- Gloves – even though the weather is warmer, these are useful to protect from splinters.
- Suitable waterproof clothing if the weather is wet/Β Optional waterproof trousers or all in one for water fun.
Children will need to bring in a separate named carrier bag:
- Wellies/Outdoor Footwear
- Carrier bag for wet/dirty clothing
- Clothing to change into including spare socks just incase they get overwhelmed in mud/water! Uniform not required on this day.
If you have any questions please email me: jeni.kuczynska@taw.org.uk
Many thanks
Mrs Kuczynska