5N D&T in Beech’s Base

This morning, children in 5N have been using a range of different tools (saws, hammers and drills) with Mrs Jones in order to prepare their pieces of wood, ready to put together their bird boxes. Mrs Jones has commented on how wonderfully mature and responsible the children have behaved this morning… maybe a class star is on the way?!! I can’t wait to see the finished pieces!

All Things Bright and Beautiful 🐞 🐠 🦋

Whilst at Lichfield Cathedral, every child created a piece of artwork relating to the theme, ‘All things bright and beautiful’ which is inspired by beauty and spirituality.

They will form part of a display around the cathedral made by 1000 school pupils and will be on display over the summer.

If you get a chance then maybe you could visit over the summer holidays and try and spot your design!

5N Messy Maths Day

The children thoroughly enjoyed the messy maths activities this afternoon! We have looked at a variety of different angles on the tables, estimated and measured the angles, drawn angles on the playground and played an interactive angle estimation game on the NRICH website.

NRICH angle game – https://nrich.maths.org/1235

5N Guided Reading

This morning, the children planned an informative presentation to persuade people to visit the Great Barrier Reef. They presented these to the whole class at the end of the day. Some fantastic art, computing and writing skills were displayed by the children, who thoroughly enjoyed the project!

Year 5 Swimming / 5N PE

Please could all children make sure they have their swimming kits in school tomorrow (Tuesday 6th June). Please remember goggles and swimming caps if you have them.

In addition to this, please could children in 5N come to school in their PE kits tomorrow ready for their session with Miss Goodall from NGHS.

5N Beech’s Base

A reminder for 5N that we have Beech’s Base this afternoon!

Children can come to school wearing their clothes for Beech’s Base and bring a spare set of clean clothes to change into if they wish. Although the weather is lovely today, please remember to keep arms and legs covered and bring gloves if you have them 😊

Year 5 Coronation Celebrations

Today, every Year 5 child created a piece of a giant puzzle which is on display in the year 5 block (and in the photo below!) We have also created a profile collage of King Charles III, won prizes in the ‘best crown’ competition, eaten lots of snacks, sung some fabulous songs and had a thoroughly lovely day celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III. Have a wonderful weekend Year 5 and enjoy the bank holiday!

Team Year 5 x

Coronation Crown Winners

This morning, we had a parade of crowns to select the prize winners for the best crowns in each class. A fantastic effort was made by every child who wore a crown to school today, which made it very tricky for the staff to choose a winner. Well done everyone!!

Here are the winners for each year group:

Year 3 –

Year 4 –

Year 5 –

Year 6 –


Military Kids Club

Good Morning,

Yesterday, invitations were sent out to all children who are registered as Service Children within the school, to attend Military Kids Club (name subject to change!) on a Friday between 3.15 – 4pm, commencing next Friday 5th May.

If you believe your child should have received an invite and did not, please email me at: kayleigh.naylor2@taw.org.uk with your child’s Service connection.

Please note, this club is for children who have an immediate family member (parent/carer) in the services or children whose parents/carers are recent service veterans (within the last 6 years). Next week, should there still be places available, I will extend the invite to other children in our school community who have a family connection to the Services, on a first come-first serve basis.

Many Thanks,

Mrs Naylor

Year 5 Bottle Rockets! 🚀

Last term, the children in Year 5 designed and built bottle rockets as part of our DT project. Today, we all went onto the field to test out our creations and see if we had managed to hit the design brief.

After a few failed attempts and some spectacular launches, we evaluated the effectiveness of our bottle rockets back in the classroom.

Here are some photos and videos of our rocket launches!

A failed attempt

Spectacular launch!