Yr 6 Permission

Please can we remind parents/carers that we need them to give permission via Parent Pay for their child to attend an off-site visit this week.

We were hoping to have completed this today; however we are still waiting for permission for several children.

If you are unable to access Parent Pay then please speak to a member of staff in the office/provide written consent on this occasion.

Yr 6 Team.














Yr 6 Non Arthog Children

Can parents of children not attending Arthog next week please ensure they have given permission for children to be taken off the school site next week.

We are hoping that this will take place on Monday, but this will very much be weather dependent and could well take place later in the week. We are hoping to visit a local bakery and spend some time at the park. We advise that children bring around £2 – £3 with them for the bakery visit.

This permission can be given via Parent Pay.

Have a great weekend!

Yr 6 team.

Latest Twitter Post – Courageous Advocates Day


6J Beech’s Base – Wednesday

Just a reminder to parents that 6J will be in Beech’s Base on Wednesday this week.

They will need to have their forest clothes plus a change of clothes.

The children will still be visiting in all weathers so please ensure you pack accordingly.


Yr 6 London – Please follow Twitter page

Whilst we will be posting pictures each evening on the school website , the majority of the pictures throughout the day will be on our Twitter account as these can be posted instantly.

Search: newport_ce to find us!

We have just set off from Oxford services on our way to St. Paul’s Cathedral!

Have a great day!

Last call for Yr 6 Photos

The deadline for entries for the Yr 6 photography competition is tomorrow – Friday 10th June!

Out of the 90 children that attended the trip to the Deer Park, only 29 have returned their photo!

Any entries not in school tomorrow morning will not be entered!

Any outstanding pictures can be emailed to max.jones9@taw.org.uk or alternatively can be bought into school on a device for us to take off.

Many thanks,

Yr 6

Yr 6 Leavers’ Hoodies

Year 6 have received their leavers’ hoodies today, a huge thank you to our wonderful PTA for their efforts in fundraising over the last 12 months. We would like to remind the children of the messages they heard today:

  • The hoodies can be worn in replacement of your green jumper
  • Green jumpers MUST be kept as they are required for the occasional event before you leave (class photo day etc)
  • No hoods to be worn during school at any point.
  • Be sensible with the weather: please do not wear your hoody when it is particularly warm.
  • Please ensure they are washed regularly

The children look amazing and are all very happy with their new hoody!

Best wishes,

Year 6 team