Yr 6 Homework

Reminder that homework is due in by Wednesday 20th March. 

  1. Complete statutory spelling words including paragraph where the words are used in context.
  2. Complete online Maths practice paper around decimals & percentages – this can be found at www.maths.co.uk (The children already have their log on information for this)

Weekly homework is part of our on-going effort to best prepare the children for their upcoming transition to secondary school.


Yr 6 Homework

Homework is due in by Wednesday 13th March

  1. Complete reading comprehension sheet. This is designed to encourage speed & efficiency when reading.
  2. Complete online maths practise paper. This is a new website we are using. Children should all have their log on within their homelink book and a letter has gone home which gives instructions on how to access this.

Please encourage your child to complete homework to a high standard. This is part of our on-going effort to ensure the children are prepared for the transition to secondary school.

6J PE Kits in on Tuesday!

Please can children from 6J have their outdoor PE kit in school on Tuesday this week.

We are away on our visit to Shrewsbury on our normal PE Day (Wednesday) so Mr Humphries is going to do some outdoor PE with the children tomorrow, so they don’t miss a slot!

Many thanks


Yr 6 Shrewsbury Reminder

Yr 6 will be visiting Shrewsbury on Wednesday. Just a few reminders for children:

  • School uniform to be worn.
  • Comfortable footwear is recommended e.g. trainers
  • Children to bring a packed lunch with them (we recommend additional snacks/drinks to help with the walking)
  • Bring a small backpack that can contain rain coat, lunch and drinks.
  • Children will be carrying their sketch books in their bag for some art activities.
  • We will leave about 9.15am and return before the end of the school day.

Thank you.

Yr 6 Homework

Homework due by Wednesday 28th February.

  • Complete statutory spellings words from Yr 5/6 list including paragraph containing words in context.
  • Complete SPaG homework on Blooket! “Blooket is an exciting new take on the modern classroom review game. It aims to match action with education to create the ultimate learning experience!” This has been used in school and children have really enjoyed competing against one another! If you encounter any problems with this, please do not worry – it is our first time using this as homework. To access it, please click on the following link:  Blooket – SPaG Homework or follow the QR code below.

Yr 6 – Shrewsbury Sign up – Urgent!

A reminder that parents need to give permission for children to attend the Shrewsbury visit next Wednesday on Parent Pay.

As it stands, less than half the year group have signed up. Without the correct number of sign ups to fill the coach, the trip would not be able to go ahead.

Please can we ask that you check Parent Pay and ensure you have provided permission as soon as possible.

Many thanks.

Yr 6 Tudor Visit – Letter Home

Children in Yr 6 will be bringing home a letter today with information regarding our upcoming visit to Shrewsbury. This visit is built into our History curriculum work. Permission should be given via Parent Pay and we ask for a voluntary contribution to ensure the visit can go ahead.

If you have any questions regarding this trip, please contact your child’s class teacher. A copy of the letter is attached to this post.

Shrewsbury Tudor 24

Yr 6 Wax Work

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our Wax Work Day.

Yr 6 children have been told they can come to school in their costume, and bring along any accessories or props with them in a bag.

Children have had lots of time in lesson this week to finish their biographies and are very excited to show their work off tomorrow afternoon.

Please see the original website post from Mrs Moody for more information on the structure of the day.

See you tomorrow.