Summer Fair Reminder

Good afternoon everyone,

Please can the children remember to bring a jar of goodies for the summer fair. For children who have brought a jar, please remember to wear mufti. Please remember your sun hats, sun cream & water bottles too.😀

Year 5 Sports day Reminder

Good afternoon parents,

 Please can we remind all year 5 children that tomorrow they need to wear their P.E. Kit to school. They will also need sun hats, sun cream & bottles of water. We will look forward to seeing you tomorrow at sports day tomorrow. Thank you


5J’s Beech’s Base a reminder for parents!

5J’s Beech’s Base has been moved to Friday the 28th of June (a week today). As it is class photos that day too, please can I ask all children in 5J to come to school wearing their uniform & bring clothes to change into for Beech’s Base for their afternoon session. Thanks in advance Mrs Jukes

Year 5 really enjoyed their trip to the Mosque

Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their trip to the mosque at Wellington. We learnt all about the 5 pillars of Islam & the importance of prayer.

The Maths Challenge at NGHS

Congratulations to our year 5 children who participated in the maths challenge at Newport Girls High School. We are very proud of your achievements today. We came 1st place.

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