Art Exhibition Paintings

Dear Parents,

Paintings are still on sale and the last chance to purchase will be next Thursday at the Summer Fair. Paintings cost £8.50 and they are a lovely keepsake of your child’s time at NJS. They also make a wonderful gift. Paintings will be on sale outside the bungalow on Thursday 5th July from 2pm onwards.

No Homework this week 29.6.18

Dear Parents,

Due to induction days we have not tested the children on last week’s spellings, so we have decided to test them next week on those spellings. As we have had induction days this week, we will not be setting any homework this week.

Kind regards Year 3 teaching team

Year 3/4 Sports Day Monday 25th June

Dear Parents,

We would like to remind you that for year 3 & 4 children it is Sports Day on Monday. Children will need to come to school in their P.E. kits. They can wear a white t-shirt and black shorts with trainers or pumps. They could also wear a plain coloured t-shirt representing their house team colours of; green, blue, yellow and red instead of a white t-shirt with black shorts. The weather given out for Monday is very hot, so we would appreciate it if the children could bring sun cream, a hat to wear, sunglasses and a water bottle.

Kind regards the lower school teaching team

Nature Club

Dear parents,

We would just like to let you know that Nature Club will be running for the next two weeks. The dates will be; 27th of June and the 4th of July. Both of these sessions will be finishing at 5pm.

Art Exhibition Update

Dear parents,

Thank you to everyone who came to visit the art gallery on Monday the 18th of June. I just would like to let you know that it is still possible to purchase your children’s art work if you wish to do so. You will have up until Tuesday the 3rd of July to purchase your child’s art work. Please feel free to drop off your £8.50 at the office and your artwork will be distributed at a later date.

Any questions or queries please feel free to contact Mrs Jukes

Invite 4 Post exb – 2018-06

NJS’ Art Exhibition

Come and visit our art exhibition between 3:30pm and 6:30pm. You will have the opportunity to view your child’s art work. All art is available to purchase. Each framed picture is £8.50. PTA will be providing refreshments. We hope you enjoy looking at the art work.