Year 4 Roman Day Reminder

On Monday 16th October, we are inviting Year 4 to take part in Roman Day in school.

This forms part of their curriculum offer and we are very excited and pleased to announce that this will be run by David Cadle, also known as ‘The History Man’. Mr Cadle has run several events and ‘days’ in the past for NJS; he is always extremely enthusiastic, well-received and really brings the subject to life for the children. Please see the following website for further details.

As the teachers and Mr Cadle will be dressed up in Roman costumes, we are inviting the children to come dressed in Roman costumes as well! This can simply be a white bedsheet, made into a toga, or something bought, if you wish to do so. The cost for the day will be £5.50 per pupil. Please ensure that you access your ParentPay account to provide consent and payment for the experience.

The whole of the year 4 team are thoroughly looking forward to this wonderful day of new experiences. Thank you for your support, the Year 4 Team.

Roman Day Letter History man

4M v 4N v 4OP

Good Morning 🙂

Details of a new TTRS challenge which begins TODAY at 4pm! It will last for one week and will be between 4M, 4N and 4OP.

In order to promote healthy screen time limits, I have set a time restriction where only the first 30 minutes played per day will count towards the competition. Of course, children can practice for as long as you allow, but only the first 30 minutes played will go towards their class score each day.

Many thanks,

Year 4 team x

Military Kids Club

Good Afternoon,

Military Kids Club will be taking place in 4N (in the Victorian Block) from 3:15pm tomorrow (6th October). It is open to all children whose parents/carers are currently serving in the Armed Forces or who are Service Veterans.

The aim of the club is to provide wellbeing support and nurture, along with completing fun activities as a group of children who have something in common. Some of the activities we have done previously include, learning the phonetic alphabet, visiting Beech’s Base, Remembrance Day/Armed Forces Day activities and playing games!

I hope to see you tomorrow 🙂

Mrs Naylor