Year 3 News

Dear parents and carers,


Year 3 will be swimming on the first Tuesday of next term (the first day back!). Please ensure your child has their swimming kit. Thank you.

PE kits will also need bringing in/taking home at the start/ end of each week, especially as sports days are approaching.


Due to timetabling issues, we did not get around to testing children on their half-termly spelling sets this week. Therefore, this will happen during the first week of the new term.

Lost cardigan

Please be on the lookout for a cardigan with Phoebe’s name in it. It is lost. If found, kindly return it to 3P.

We wish you all a restful half term break.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team


Congratulations to our art club members 😁

Well done to all of our children who participate in art club & I would also like to thank Miss Jenkins, Miss Branton, Miss Crompton & Mrs Wood who have all worked exceptionally hard to produce the most fabulous stage backdrop for our Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

Best wishes Mrs Jukes 😁

Urgent request – Year 3!

Dear Parents and Carers,

Children in Year 3 will be making collages of cityscapes, skylines, and buildings as part of their Art curriculum, this week.

Collage combines various pieces of paper, magazines, sometimes materials, card etc, to make a new picture of something else.

Therefore, please could children in Year 3 bring in some materials to make the collages? We do have materials and resources to use in school, but would be really great if they could bring in any old magazines, papers, etc that you have in the recycling bin!

Thank you for your continuing support.

The Year 3 team