Ukraine Donations Success!

A massive thank you to everyone that donated towards our efforts to support those affected by the war in Ukraine!

We were overwhelmed with the amount of items we received, and feel humbled to know that we have made a difference to the world outside of Newport.

The van (supplied by Peter Booth Electricals) has now taken our items, and therefore we ask that any donations that were to be bought in tomorrow and now donated at another collection point. 

Once again, The Global Avengers, and the whole NJS family would like to thank you for your AMAZING effort at supporting this cause!

Year 3 Residential: Tomorrow!

We are looking forward to the one night residential visit to Edgmond Hall tomorrow with Year 3.  Some reminders for you following the information sent out last week:

*Children are to arrive at school as normal (between 8.45 and 8.55) on Monday morning.  We will ask you to say goodbye as you normally would and the children will come into school to get ready to leave for their walk to Edgmond!

*If your child requires medication during the visit: please DO NOT pack it in your child’s bag.  Mr Moody will be outside the Year 3 classrooms on Monday morning with a medication box.  Please take the medication to him.  Medication needs to be in a plastic bag labelled clearly with your child’s name.  Inside the plastic bag needs to be the medication and a signed letter from you detailing the precise times the medication needs to be administered and the dosage.

*Your child needs to be able to carry their belongings in a back pack so please do pack carefully.  This leaflet (circulated last week) details what they need to take: Edgmond and NJS flyer

*Your child does not need to bring any food: all meals are provided on this residential visit.

*We ask that you collect your child from NJS on Monday at 3pm.  Please come to the security gate as you normally would and we will dismiss as usual from here.

*Remember: no news is good news!  We will of course contact you if we need you but if we don’t contact you everything is fine.  We will try to post updates on the website and our Facebook page during the visit so please look out for these

Yr3 Non-Residential Children

Dear Parents and Carers,

If your child is not attending the residential at Edgmond Hall on Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th please could they attend school in comfy clothes. The children who are staying at school will be doing a variety of activities both indoors and outdoors over the two days so will need comfy clothes that can get muddy and dirty. The children at school will also benefit from a spare pair of shoes (trainers or PE kit trainers etc) if their shoes get muddy when they are doing the outside activities. Children will need lunches as normal.

We have some really exciting activities planned for the children who are staying at school!

Thank you for your continuing support,

The Year 3 Team